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What is a Looked After Child Review?

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A Looked After Child Review can also be known as a LAC Review or a Statutory Review or a Review of Arrangements. This meeting includes all the people who are involved within the child’s life and discusses the child’s progress and how their needs will continue to be met.

Who will attend the meeting?

During the meeting, the people present may be the child (if age appropriate), the child’s teacher, their family members, their social worker, and any other professional working with the family. If the child is in a Local Authority foster placement the foster carer will attend along with their supervising social worker.

The Independent Reviewing Officer chairs the meeting and has a monitoring role for the child. The Independent Reviewing Officer should ensure the meeting is child-centred and the child’s wishes and views are heard. The child’s Care Plan will be discussed at every review and the Independent Reviewing Officer will assess if any amends/significant changes need to be made. 

What is my child’s Care Plan?

All children who are looked after either on an interim or long term basis must have a Care Plan that is reviewed. It is a document that details your child’s needs and how they are to be met. This may include where they live, the arrangements for contact with family and friends, their cultural, religious, health, educational, and leisure needs. As a parent, a copy of your child’s Care Plan should be given to you and will also be provided to the child’s carer.

What is discussed in review meetings?

Although this list is not exhaustive, the meetings may involve discussion about:

  • changes in the child’s circumstances since the last review,
  • any changes made to the Care Plan,
  • whether previous decisions have been implemented,
  • contact arrangements and whether they are working well for the child,
  • the child’s progress at school,
  • whether the child is getting all the support they need,
  • any health needs,
  • or whether arrangements for the child’s leisure and activities are meeting the child’s needs.

When does it take place?

These meetings take place at certain intervals. The initial LAC Review should take place within twenty working days of the child becoming Looked After. The next view should take place within three months (91 days) of an initial LAC Review. After this, the LAC Reviews should be conducted no more than six months (183 days) apart, as long as the child remains looked after.  If there have been significant changes in a child’s life, including a change to the child’s placement, then the date of the review may be brought forward.

What should you do?

You should discuss with your social worker  any changes that occur for yourself or for your family. You should ensure that the social worker for the child is fully informed and aware of any issues that have been highlighted and discuss with your social worker any other matter that you feel could reflect significantly or impact upon the child or their Care Plan. The Independent Reviewing Officer will then review and consider this information.

How can we Help?

If you are subject to a Child Protection Plan, Pre-Proceedings, or Care Proceedings and would like to discuss any of these assessments further, please get in touch with Johnson Astills today and we would be more than happy to discuss your requirements further. Please call us at our office in Leicester on 0116 255 4855 or our office in Loughborough on 01509 610 312 and ask to speak to a member of the Care Team. Alternatively, you may prefer to email us at or fill in our enquiry form.