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What is an Initial Viability Assessment?

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I am being asked to provide friends / family members to put forward for an Initial Viability Assessment, what does this mean

If you are contacted by Social Services and told they are initiating Pre-Proceedings or Care Proceedings, they may ask for you to provide details of people you wish to put forward for an Initial Viability Assessment (IVA). The individuals you put forward will be assessed on their ability to provide care for your child/children in the event you are deemed unable to care.

What is an IVA?

An IVA is the start of the process of identifying potential carers for a child/children. The IVA will determine whether a person will be able to provide full-time care and meet the needs of your children. The assessment considers whether the individuals would be a realistic and safe option to be able to provide care for your children. The assessor would visit the prospective carers home and assess whether the conditions are appropriate. The assessment will involve information gathering about the family background, their understanding of the concerns, their relationship with the child, their relationship with the parents. How contact will be managed, their own parenting experience. An inspection of the bedroom identified for the child. The assessor will then write up their report. The report will outline the individual’s commitment to your children and whether the recommendation is positive or otherwise. 

Can my child be placed with someone with a positive IVA?

If a legal order is in place, such as an Interim Care Order then a child can be placed with someone with a positive IVA as a regulation 24 placement. This allows a child to be placed with someone whose assessment has not yet progressed to a full kinship assessment if the child needs to be placed in an emergency. This would be considered a temporary fostering arrangement, and a full assessment would still need to be continued to ensure this could last as a long-term placement. A regulation 24 placement can last up to 16 weeks and can only be extended once for a further 8 weeks.

What happens if an IVA is negative?

If the IVA of someone you have put forward is negative, then they should be informed in writing. The reasons for the assessment being negative will be outlined and there shall be a time limit to challenge the assessment. The person may seek legal advice or write a statement to the Court challenging the assessment.

How can we Help?

If the Local Authority have issued Care Proceedings in relation to your children, then we may be able to help. Please contact Johnson Astills at either our Leicester office on 0116 255 4855 or our Loughborough office on 01509 610 312 and ask or a member of the Care Team. Alternatively you contact us through our free online enquiry form or email us at and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.